
I'm using a child component to build a complex object consisting of recursive child arrays and objects. I'd like a way to get access to this object in the parent component using live binding.

Values within the object change based on user input (select boxes, inputs etc.), so I need a way to emit the @Output() EventEmitter and pass the entire object whenever one if it's properties change.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this or is there another route I can take?

See some concept code below, in which the input has two-way data binding to a deep value in the complex object, and I need to emit this change to a parent by detecting the change somehow.

The actual form is more complex, so I'd like to avoid using specific events like watching for a change in each of the inputs to manually trigger the event emitter if possible.

Parent template:

<child-component (emitter)="emitterHandler($event)"></child-component>

Parent component:

emitterHandler(obj){ console.log(obj); }

Child component:

@Output() emitter: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();    
complexObj = {data: 'test', lines: [{data: 'asd', time: 123},{data: 'xcv', time: 233}]};

Child template:

<input [(ngModel)]="complexObj.lines[0].data"></input>
you can emit eventemitter on change of your input <input [(ngModel)]="complexObj.lines[0].data" (change)="emitEmitter()"></input>JayDeeEss
Thanks for the suggestion. The form is a little more complex than illustrated with lots of potential inputs. It would be a shame to have to use on change detection for each of the inputs. Is there any other way?NJ.

1 Answers


You can use valueChanges of the NgForm :


@ViewChild('myForm') myForm: NgForm;

// this will be called when any input inside the form changes
this.myForm.valueChanges.subscribe(val => {
    // emit the event


<form #myForm='ngForm' ...>
    // your select , input or nany form elements

Above code is for template driven form,

Here is the article for data-driven form on this : https://alligator.io/angular/reactive-forms-valuechanges/

Nice way to go is :

this.myForm.statusChanges.subscribe(res => {
    if (res === 'VALID') {
       // emit(this.myForm.values)

This will emit the values when the data is valid, and in above code, no matter values is right or wrong it will fire the event.