
My company created a web site using webs.com and, to host it, we are using a domain directly registered in webs.com (here I will call it contoso.com). Now I would like to create a subdomain (e.g. subdomain.contoso.com) to access a website hosted in Azure created for a new service offered by my company.

To do this I followed the official guide in the Azure documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/bs-latn-ba/azure/dns/dns-delegate-domain-azure-dns. Briefly:

  • I created a DNS zone in Azure called subdomain.contoso.com;
  • I retrievd the list of four name servers;
  • I added all the four servers in webs.com (doing this I noticed that there was other two server already registered in webs.com but I don't deleted them);
  • I tried to verify if the delegation works...

The problem is that the delegation verification failed (I can't access in to subdomain.contoso.com via the browser and nslookup returns "non-existent domain").

For this reason I tried to add two records in the Azure DNS zone:

  • An A record with the VM IP address;
  • A CNAME record for the www.test.contoso.com subdomain;

After that, I waited for hours but nothing changed...

Do you have finished delegate a domain to Azure DNS? In the registrar's DNS management page, edit the NS records and replace the NS records with the Azure DNS name servers. Or could you show how you configure it ?Nancy Xiong
Hi Nancy, thanks for your reply. Yes, I added the 4 name servers in webs.com. I do not know if it is relevant or not but two other servers have already been registered and I have not deleted them in order not to create disruptions.El_Merendero
You can verify the delegation via the command nslookup -type=SOA contoso.com on your machine. What's the result?Nancy Xiong
It works (I'll edit the post with the full result). The domain contoso.com is used to access the main web site created directly with webs.com. Briefly I'm working to publish a new service hosted in Azure.El_Merendero
I already added an A and CNAME record in my Azure DNS zone (see last section of my question) but it doesn't works. Do you mean to add such records in webs?El_Merendero

1 Answers


When you want to host subdomain test.contoso.com in Azure DNS, you should host your public domain contoso.com first in Azure DNS.

To delegate an Azure DNS subdomain, you must first delegate your public domain to Azure DNS. See Delegate a domain to Azure DNS for instructions on how to configure your name servers for delegation. Once your domain is delegated to your Azure DNS zone, you can delegate your subdomain.

You could follow this article to delegate an Azure DNS subdomain.

  1. Delegate your public domain contoso.com in Azure DNS.
  2. Create a zone for your subdomain test.contoso.com.
  3. Create a name server (NS) record for the subzone in your parent zone. For example, replace "engineering" with "test" in your scenario as below. enter image description here

Next, you could add A or CNAME record in the subzone test.contoso.com to point your website in Azure.