
I have a DNS Zone for some subdomain called "myapp.mydomain.com" which is managed by the "Azure DNS" product.

Now I would like to point the apex/root of this subdomain to some other domain: "myapp.mydomain.com"->"otherapp.otherdomain.com". I could add some A-record with the IP, but this changes from a while. Adding a CNAME-record is not possible on the subdomain apex/root.

I have found this solution here: https://blog.baeke.info/2019/09/03/back-to-basics-dns-alias-records/

But unfortunately I could no figure it out configuring it in the Azure DNS view.

Does Azure DNS actually supports this case or not? If yes, how could I configure it?

Thanks for your help!


1 Answers


No, It's impossible to configure alias record to point to some external domains with Azure DNS zone because currently Azure DNS alias records only have the following capabilities:

  • Point to a public IP resource from a DNS A/AAAA record set.
  • Point to a Traffic Manager profile from a DNS A/AAAA/CNAME record set.
  • Point to an Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) endpoint.
  • Point to another DNS record set within the same zone.

If you want to point the apex/root of this subdomain to some other domain, you need to create CNAME records, but we can not added it on the apex/root of domain. Get more details here.

The DNS standards do not permit CNAME records at the apex of a zone (--Name "@"), nor do they permit record sets containing more than one record.

For more information, see CNAME records.

Otherwise, if you just want to point one subdomain to some other domain: "myapp.mydomain.com"->"otherapp.otherdomain.com". I think you only need to create a CNAME type record named myapp under the zone mydomain.com with value otherapp.otherdomain.com.