
I just published a G-Suite add-on, following all the steps from this document:


I have a listing in the Chrome Web Store:


I also followed the steps for the GSuite Marketplace, but I'm stuck at the "Publish" step.

No matter what I fill in in this form, the 'Publish' button stays grayed out. I am not sure if this is expected, but it's also not clear what I can do to get this final step to work.

enter image description here

Does it remain greyed out even after you fill in everything that's been highlighted in Red?Sourabh Choraria
@SourabhChoraria, yes, but I have an update. So I will answer my own question here.Evert

1 Answers


After sitting on this for a couple of days, my add-on started to appear in the marketplace. I found out that it was not needed to go through the 'publish' process, but it was just a matter of waiting a few days.