
I have published a Google Sheets Add-on for internal use. It works. But I can't seem to publish a new version. I'm following this:


Given Google's announcement that they're retiring Chrome Store listings post Jan 28, I've been focusing on deploying to G Suite Marketplace. The steps I've taken are:

  • Update apps script
  • Create new version (File > Manage Versions ... > Save new version)
  • Edit G Suite Marketplace listing to use new version (per step 4 under "Update your editor add-on" in above page)

No amount of waiting or refreshing seems to cause the latest deployed code to be visible when I invoke the Add-on in a sample Sheets document.

Have you tried submitting your issue in the Chrome Web Store Support page?MαπμQμαπkγVπ.0
Thanks. I have not. But I don't think this is a Chrome Store concern. My understanding is that Google is deprecating Chrome Store listings for Add-ons, which is the only reason I'm trying to publish this to G Suite Marketplace. Publishing to the Chrome Store was comparatively simple.Paul B
Have you seen Update published add-on code? FWIW, the Google docs references for: 1) Publishing an editor add-on - which specifically mentions the Chrome Web Store closure/migration; 2) Chrome Web Store migration.Tedinoz
Thanks, @Tedinoz yes. The "Update published add-on code" section seems promising, but no matter how tightly I follow the steps, the deployed Add-on still reflects old code. Item 5 reads "update the versioned deployment", and links to developers.google.com/apps-script/concepts/… Perhaps this is the part I'm misunderstanding? I click Publish > "Deploy from manifest" and create a new "Deployment" using my latest script version (the same one used by the marketplace listing), but when i run the add-on, I still see the older deployment.Paul B
So, statement of the bleeding obvious, your add-on does include a manifest?Tedinoz

1 Answers


In your Google Cloud Platform project, go to the Configuration panel of the G Suite Marketplace SDK. Scroll down until you find "Editor Add-on extensions". You should see two text inputs – one with your Apps Script ID, and another below it, which is the version of your script used for the deployment.

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