
I've got a problem with publish messages to RabbitMQ. Our application must work in transactional layer.

But, i don't understand one case: If I firstly start transaction and commit it, all next messages don't published to RabbitMQ.

$connection = new \AMQPConnection([
    'host'     => 'rabbitmq',
    'port'     => 5672,
    'login'    => 'guest',
    'password' => 'guest',


$channel = new \AMQPChannel($connection);

$exchange = new \AMQPExchange($channel);

$queue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
$queue->bind('some_test', 'some:foo:bar');


$exchange->publish('some #1', 'some:foo:bar');
$exchange->publish('some #2', 'some:foo:bar');


$exchange->publish('some #3', 'some:foo:bar');

Last messages not published to exchange. But, if I call to commitTransaction in channel, last messages was success published to queue.

I read the documentation here: https://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html#publisher-confirms

Maybe RabbitMQ after first transaction mark this channel as transactional and always wait commit/rollback after publish any messages?


1 Answers


You should not use Transactions on channel , they are resource heavy , instead you should use something which is a extension to AMQP in the form of Lightweight Publisher Confirms.

They provide same level of guarantee as transactions do but are light on resources and gives you better throughput than transactions.

Refer to it here