I have a hasOne(Many) relation function like this:
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\ProductTranslation','product_id','id')->where('language_id', $language_id['id']);
Also, I tried to use
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\ProductTranslation','product_id','id')->select('product_translations.name')->where('language_id', '1');
In Controller use this
I try to receive only one specific column from the table, but it returned an empty array. In debug bar I see the query when I use it in PHPMyAdmin it return only one column as I want.
Is this possible?
P.S (use Laravel 5.8.34)
I choose 'Entity Layers for Translated Fields and Non-Translated Fields' approach for translation in the project and have a database like this Database picture
must always contains the foreign key column. – Tharaka Dilshan$value=Product::with('translation:name,**product_id**')->find(1);
– Hik200