There are two tables
- products
- pictures ( has product_id , priority)
In my Product model I can get all pictures with:
public function pictures(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Picture');
Now i want to create a method in product to get the main pictures url (lowest priority value with product_id of picture), and if there is no result return a default value. I tried:
public function mainpicture(){
$picture = $this->pictures()->orderBy('priority','desc')->first();
if($picture == null)
return 'default/default.png';
return $picture->url;
This gives the error:
Relationship method must return an object of type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation
When returning a value it's never of the type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation but just an url. How can I make a method to get the mainpicture or a default value?
The reason I want to create this function is: because I need it in alot of views and don't want to paste the same code in every view. Currently in all the views where I need the mainpicture I use:
{!! Html::image('/images/product/'.$product->id.'/thumb/'.pictures[0]->url, 'Product image', array('class'=> ' img-responsive')) !!}
{!! Html::image('/images/product/default/default.png', 'No picture found', array('class'=> ' img-responsive')) !!}
This is very spaghetti like and a function would be much better.
I could create a global helper function, but im curious if i could add it to my model.