
I was assuming I

  • create a table and enable stream and I now have an ARN
  • create a kinesis stream
  • configure somewhere to tell the dynamoDb stream to write to kinesis stream

I was looking at working with https://github.com/harlow/kinesis-consumer but this reads from kinesis or can I use the ARN and use it to read right from the dynamoDB stream?

The more I look, the more I seem to think, I have to write a lambda to read dynamoDB and write to kinesis. Is that correct?



1 Answers


Hey can you provide a bit more of information about your target setup? do you plan to have some sort of ETL process for your dynamoDB table? AFAIK when you bound a kinesis stream to a dynamodb table, everytime you add, remove or update rows on the dynamodb a new event will be publish in the associated kinesis stream which you can consume from and use the event in whatever way you want.

maybe worth checking this one: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Streams.KCLAdapter.Walkthrough.html