I have a data migration job running in AWS that is sending data to a Kinesis Stream and a Lambda function that acts as a consumer that is writing the data to DynamoDB (I set the kinesis as a trigger to lambda).
My problem comes when the Kinesis Stream starts to hit:
Write Throughput Exceeded (Count / Request) — Average - WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded
and I see 200 or 300 counts on spikes on that chart even when the lambda consumer never stops reading data and writing data to the DDB table, but once the migration process is done (there are no more information to be sent to the kinesis) I noted there are some missing records (the lambda consumer never failed), my question is: Is data lost when AWS Kinesis Stream returns "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException"? That data won't ever be sent to the kinesis consumer?