
I'm having the following GraphQL server call in a standard module:

export default () => {
    return graphqlHTTP({
        schema: schema,
        graphiql: true,
        pretty: true,
        formatError: error => ({
            message: error.message,
            locations: error.locations,
            stack: error.stack,
            path: error.path

That is used together with passport:

    passport.authenticate("jwt", { session: false }),

Everything is working file. Passport extends my req to get a logged user object that is used on my GraphQL calls to queries or mutations:

    resolve(source, args, context) {
        console.log("CURRENT USER OBJECT")

All fine.

Now I need to extend my context to add some custom resolvers, so my first try is:

export default () => {
    return graphqlHTTP({
        schema: schema,
        graphiql: true,
        pretty: true,
        context: resolvers,
        formatError: error => ({
            message: error.message,
            locations: error.locations,
            stack: error.stack,
            path: error.path

As GraphQL docs says, this overrides the original req context and my context.user on queries and mutations stops working.

How can I properly extend the current context to add some more fields, instead of overriding it? Another unsuccessfull try:

export default (req) => {
    return graphqlHTTP({
        schema: schema,
        graphiql: true,
        pretty: true,
        context: {
            user: req.user,
            resolvers: resolvers
        formatError: error => ({
            message: error.message,
            locations: error.locations,
            stack: error.stack,
            path: error.path

This approach is not working... I'm getting the following error:

  user: req.user,

TypeError: Cannot read property 'user' of undefined

[edit] My latest try is from my example on Apollo Docs:

export default () => {
    return graphqlHTTP({
        schema: schema,
        graphiql: true,
        pretty: true,
        context: ({ req }) => ({
            user: req.user
        formatError: error => ({
            message: error.message,
            locations: error.locations,
            stack: error.stack,
            path: error.path

Now my context is a function in my resolver:



[Function: context]

Getting crazy with this simple thing...

If you're getting that TypeError, it means you're not passing req to the exported function wherever it's being called in the rest of your code.Daniel Rearden
Sure... Check my last try... crazy...Mendes

1 Answers


Assuming you're using express-graphql, graphqlHTTP is a function that takes some configuration parameters and returns an express middleware function. Normally, it's used like this:

  graphqlHTTP({ ... })

However, instead of an object, graphqlHTTP can also take a function that returns an object as shown in the docs.

  graphqlHTTP((req, res, graphQLParams) => {
    return { ... }

In this way, you can utilize the req, res or graphQLParams parameters inside your configuration object.

  graphqlHTTP((req, res, graphQLParams) => {
    return {
      // other options
      context: {
        user: req.user,
        // whatever else you want