I have an SSRS expression that i need to change the values in based on a passed parameter.
="Double Coat " &
IIF((First(Fields!rr_paintpayout.Value, "Market") = "Task-Based") OR (First(Fields!rr_paintpayout.Value, "Market") = "Hourly"),
IIF(Fields!rr_taskpayoutaddonoption.Value = "Floorplan Configuration",
Fields!rr_1x1.Value & " - "& Fields!rr_1x4.Value**,
IIF(Fields!rr_taskpayoutaddonoption.Value = "Fixed Quantity",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " each",
IIF(Fields!rr_taskpayoutaddonoption.Value = "Fixed Hourly",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " hourly",
IIF(First(Fields!rr_paintpayout.Value, "Market") = "Variable Percent",
IIF(Fields!rr_variablepercentaddonselection.Value = "Sq Ft Variable Pricing",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " sq. ft.",
IIF(Fields!rr_variablepercentaddonselection.Value = "Fixed Quantity",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " each",
IIF(Fields!rr_variablepercentaddonselection.Value = "Fixed Hourly",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " hourly",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value))), 0.00))
My parameter is an int and based on either 1,2,3 or 4. I need to change the third line of the expression. I have tried to wrap the entire expression in an IIF and I was not able to run the report. What im thinking is
="Double Coat " &
IIF((First(Fields!rr_paintpayout.Value, "Market") = "Task-Based") OR (First(Fields!rr_paintpayout.Value, "Market") = "Hourly"),
IIF(Fields!rr_taskpayoutaddonoption.Value = "Floorplan Configuration",
IIF((Parameters.Bedrooms.Value =1 )
Fields!rr_1x1.Value & " - "& Fields!rr_1x4.Value)),
IIF((Parameters.Bedrooms.Value =2 )
Fields!rr_2x1.Value & " - "& Fields!rr_3x4.Value)),
IIF(Fields!rr_taskpayoutaddonoption.Value = "Fixed Quantity",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " each",
IIF(Fields!rr_taskpayoutaddonoption.Value = "Fixed Hourly",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " hourly",
IIF(First(Fields!rr_paintpayout.Value, "Market") = "Variable Percent",
IIF(Fields!rr_variablepercentaddonselection.Value = "Sq Ft Variable Pricing",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " sq. ft.",
IIF(Fields!rr_variablepercentaddonselection.Value = "Fixed Quantity",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " each",
IIF(Fields!rr_variablepercentaddonselection.Value = "Fixed Hourly",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value & " hourly",
Fields!rr_fixedamount.Value))), 0.00))
which is basically adding the Parameters.Value right at the top. Has anyone had any success or a better way to change what expression is being used?