I'm doing a hobby project with Vuetify input fields in rows. One of the fields is a v-autocomplete field with 'multiple' prop set. I need to bind this v-autocomplete using v-model to an Object. How do I do this?
I've tried:
- Overriding the template using v-slot.
- Adding item-value and item-text. This made it display correctly. Nice! Updating doesn't work though. Somehow v-model makes it an array of strings instead of saving as objects. Like so:
Before adding extra items from the list: https://i.imgur.com/UCrxCki.png
After adding extra items from the list: https://i.imgur.com/Iwro6DN.png
The v-model list is no longer filled with objects that have their "action" and "amount" props. Instead it makes it a list of Strings
Code in template:
<v-layout wrap v-for="(row, index) in rows" :id="index+1 + 'buildorderRow'" v-bind:key="index">
Array binded to v-model:
actions: [
action: 'Gateway',
amount: 5
action: 'Pylon',
amount: 1
I expected it to add any selection to the array while maintaining the model structure. Just like it does for reading the array. For instance if I add an action of "Probe" it should create it like shown below. Amount could also be Null/undefined or even completely left out. The important thing is that it pushes the object with the action prop.
{ action: 'Probe', amount: 1 }