I am working on a laravel project, where I get data from an API then I want to display it on pages. I want the return to be spread out across 4 pages, each page with 10 results each. What I have so far, seems like it should work, but I am missing one piece, so any advice and help would be appreciated. So this is how it is suppose to work with code:
1) The users types in a book title in a search box.
<form method=POST action='/search'>
<input type="text" name="search_term"/>
<input type="submit" value="Search"/>
2) there input is then sent to my controller, which queries the google books api.
class search extends Controller {
public function search(){
$current_page = LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage();
echo $current_page;
$term = request('search_term');
$term = str_replace(' ', '_', $term);
$client = new \Google_Client();
$service = new \Google_Service_Books($client);
$params = array('maxResults'=>40);
$results = $service->volumes->listVolumes($term,$params);
$book_collection = collect($results);
$current_book_page = $book_collection->slice(($current_page-1)*10,10)->all();
$books_to_show = new LengthAwarePaginator($current_book_page,count($book_collection),10,$current_page);
return view('library.search')->with(compact('books_to_show'));
3) the results are then displayed on my blade
@foreach($books_to_show as $entries)
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-auto">
<img class="w-50 img-thumbnail" src={{$entries['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['smallThumbnail']}}/>
<div class="col-sm">
@foreach($entries['volumeInfo']['authors'] as $authors)
This all works fine and as expected. I get 10 results on the view, and then I have a bar at the bottom which give shows me 4 different pages to choose from.
When I first type in a search term such as "William Shakespeare" My page url is:
But, when I click on any of the pages my url becomes:
I understand that the ?page=* is how the pagination determines which page you are viewing, and that should be sent back to the controller. But, I am missing something on sending it back to the controller I think.
Still kind of fresh to this, so any advice is more then greatly appreciated.