I'm trying to setup RESTful API application with Kubernetes. I have a barebones setup with a cluster, static IP address, app deployed with exposed service of type NodePort, and an ingress configured with a managed certificate for SSL. I need to enable CORS and I am not yet using nginx. Is it possible, or do I need to install nginx instead of the default gce class?
Here is my ingress.yaml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: artsdata-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: "artsdasta-static-ip"
networking.gke.io/managed-certificates: artsdata-certificate
ingress.kubernetes.io/enable-cors: "true"
serviceName: artsdata-kg
servicePort: 80
To check I am using curl as follows:
curl -H "Access-Control-Request-Method: GET" -H "Origin: http://localhost" --head http://db.artsdata.ca
I am expecting the response to include Access-Control-Allow-*