GKE Ingress: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/ingress
Nginx Ingress: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/
Why GKE Ingress
GKE Ingress can be used along with Google's managed SSL certificates. These certificates are deployed in edge servers of load balancer which results in very low TTFB (time to first byte)
What's wrong about GKE Ingress
The HTTP/domain routing is done in the load balancer using 'forward rules' which is very pricy. Costs around $7.2 per rule. Each domain requires one rule.
Why Nginx Ingress
Nginx Ingress also creates (TCP/UP) load balancer where we can specify routing of HTTP/domain using ingress controller. Since the routing is done inside the cluster there are no additional costs on adding domains into the rules
What's wrong about Nginx Ingress
To enable SSL, we can use cert-manager. But as I mentioned above, Google's managed certificate deploy certificates in edge servers which results in very low latency
My Question
Is it possible to use both of them together? So that HTTPS requests first hit GKE ingress which will terminate SSL and route the traffic to Nginx ingress which will route it to corresponding pods
service instead of aLoadBalancer
service, modifying this, then create an Ingress whose class corresponds to GKE for that service. All other Ingresses should then be created with the nginx class... – Amit Kumar Gupta