I'm using angular js to display radio buttons and display info based on the selected radio button. I have list 1 and list2 both defined as radio buttons. When i select list1 option it should display 5 different items as radio buttons. Same for list2, when it's chosen 5 different items are displayed as radio buttons. when one of the items is selected it displays the info related to item.
when i select list1 and item3 within list1 then i switch to list2 i want the selection to be at item1 of list2 but what i get is list2 and item3 selected. How can I initialize the selection to list2 item1.
this is the html:
<div class="col-sm-12"><strong>Lists:</strong></div>
<div class="col-sm-12">
<input type="radio" name="list1" value="list1" checked="checked" ng-model="listSelected" ng-click="SelectOption('List1')">
<input type="radio" name="list2" value="list2" checked="checked" ng-model="listSelected" ng-click="SelectOption('List2')">
<label ng-repeat="item in itemMetaData" id="Label2" cursor: pointer">
input type="radio" name="item1" value="{{item.itemName}}" ng-model="itemName" ng-click="getitemsinfolist(item.itemName)">
I tried to do this but it didn't work:
$scope.item.itemName = 'item1';
How can I do this?
for both lists? Can you share complete snippet please? – Faraz Javed