
I am using the Microsoft Graph SDK to integrate with a OneDrive Business account. I have uploaded large size files to the drive. The drive is syncing to the local folder. I have a requirement to download files using the Grpah SDK. If the file that needs to be downloaded is synced to the local folder, i need to retrieve that file or else download from the server.

Is there any API method where I can check if the file has been synced to the local folder?

I was referring to the https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/driveitem-delta?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=csharp link but it did not contain any information to check the local folder. I am not sure what the delta function is returning.

var delta = await _graphClient.Me.Drive.Root

I expect an API output which says if the file is synced to the local folder or not.


1 Answers


The service does not know what clients are syncing the files - there can be many. Your app would need to understand that there's a local copy, and manually check for the presence of the file in question in that location before falling back to the cloud.