I have the app that uses MS graph API for onedrive . When i try to move a file to root of a drive from some folder i have an error "One of the provided arguments is not acceptable".
But same code works fine for "individual" onedrive accounts, problem is only for OneDrive for business accounts. Also, move to any other folder works fine.
I am sending PATCH request o move a file.
For free onedrive the request body looks like
[parentReference] =>
[path] => //drives/68XXXXX7f7f7d7c/root
this works. but same code for oneDrive for business fails
[parentReference] =>
[path] => //drives/b!-0dIs3JX..TRUNCATED...0_oR2A...L0PY/root
This gives error "One of the provided arguments is not acceptable"
What can this be? Any ideas? I follow the docs here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/driveitem-move?view=graph-rest-1.0