
I'd like to achieve something similar to what IntelliJ is capable of. For example, if I type only a part of class' name in IntelliJ I get a list of suggestions for namespaces/packages. If I choose one of them - the class' name get autocompleted and appropriate package name gets added on top with import statement.

Now, when I try to do something similar in Visual Studio 2017 Community, it's a different story. Let's take System.Console class as an example.

  • If I type "Cons" and press ctrl+space or alt+enter - I don't get any good suggestions
  • If I type "Cons", add "using System" manually and press ctrl+space - I get the System.Console suggestion
  • If I type "Conso" and press alt+enter - It basically behaves like IntelliJ - which means it appends the "using System" statement and autocompletes the class' name to Console. The option is the last one though, so I have to scroll through bunch of others (such as generate property, generate local etc.).

My question is - can I make Intellisense behave like in the 3rd case, but

  • Make it work for shorter phrases (right now it kind of works for "Conso" but not for anything shorter)
  • Make it so I get the "using" suggestions under ctrl+shift menu
  • Prioritize the "using" option so it's on the top of the action list

What I tried:

  • Enabled "Suggest usings for types (...)" under Text Editor -> C# -> Advanced

1 Answers


This extension for VS2017 and 2019 seems to do most of what I asked: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Dreamescaper.IntelliSenseExtender

Keep in mind that suggestions for non-imported types are not enabled by default. You have to turn them on in: tools -> options -> Intellisense Extender