
I have a slightly complex recursive function in prolog. What it does isn't super important because I'm pretty sure my problem lies in the method headers.

  • V is a list that doesn't change in the entire function
  • Vset is a list of lists - In the function I pull off one of the individual lists, multiply it by list V, and store that value. That individual list gets removed from the list of lists.
  • Dlist is a list comprised of all the values computed

    distanceAllVectors(V, [], [H|T]).
    distanceAllVectors(V, Vset, Dlist) :-   
       #function code here

I've traced the function in prolog and at one point Dlist is full of the correct values and Vset is empty. That's the point at which I need this function to end.

I apologize for not posting the entire code, but it's comprised of a few different methods that would take more time to explain when I'm 99% sure this is the root of my problem.

I'm confused about what my base case should be, and how base cases work in prolog in general.

Thank you!

You Prolog should warn you about singletons in your base case. Try to solve such warnings.CapelliC

2 Answers


Two main choices, you build your list while exiting the recursion, or if your Prolog supports Tail Call Optimisation, you can build with an accumulator and exit with a unification. Also to consider, the order of the Distances will be opposite for each method.

Building the list on exit and retaining order:

% base case, the list being processed is empty, so are the distances
% time to start exiting the recursion
distanceAllVectors(_, [], []).
% recursive case, calculate one, process the rest, put the Distance
% onto the Distances on the way out of the recursion
distanceAllVectors(V, [HeadList|Tail], [Dist|Distances]) :-
    distanceOneVector(V, HeadList, Dist),
    distanceAllVectors(V, Tail, Distances).

With an accumulator and reversing the order:

% interface to accumulator
distanceAllVectors(V, Vectors, Distances) :-
    distanceAllVectors(V, Vectors, [], Distances).

% base case, the list of vectors is emptied, unify
% Distances with the accumulator (by calling it Distances)
% Immediately exit the recursion via Tail Call Optimization
distanceAllVectors(_, [], Distances, Distances).
% recursive case, calculate one, add to accumulator and continue
distanceAllVectors(V, [HeadList|Tail], Acc, Distances) :-
    distanceOneVector(V, HeadList, Dist),
    distanceAllVectors(V, Tail, [Dist|Acc], Distances).

See my comments in the code.

% If V is the empty list, then result is the empty list. (You were missing this case.)
distanceAllVectors([], _, []).

% If Vset is the empty list, then result is the empty list.
distanceAllVectors(_, [], []).

% If V and Vset are not the empty list, the result R is
% V multiplied by the first element S in Vset, followed
% by the result U of multiplying V by the tail T of Vset.
distanceAllVectors(V, [S|T], [R|U]) :-
    mult(V, S, R),                  % <-- Base case.
    distanceAllVectors(V, T, U).    % <-- Recursive case.

% Multiply X by Y, result is simply m(X, Y).
% You have to implement your real multiplication here.
 mult(X, Y, m(X, Y)).