
I'm having a little trouble understanding list recursion and modification in Prolog. I'm trying to take a list of lists, then with each list, multiply each element in the list by the last element.

Here's a snippet of my code:

    /*Find the last element of a list*/
    lastelement(X,[_|L]) :- lastelement(X,L).

    /*Multiply two lists together*/

    /*Take a list, find the last element and multiply every part of that list by that  element*/
    /*Attach modified list to X*/
    modifyL([],X) :- X is [].
    modifyL([First|Tset],X) :- lastelement(Y,First),

When I try any list of lists, however, all I get is false. Can someone give me any pointers on list recursion that could help further understand this problem?

which implementation are you using?Janus Troelsen
I'm currently using SWI Prolog version 5.10Frustrated_Grunt

1 Answers

modifyL([],X) :- X is [].

This doesn't do what you think, is is used to get the result of an arithmetic evaluation.

you can write

 modifyL([],X) :- X = [].

or simply


When you work with a list, and you repeat the same process to each element of this list you can use maplist which is exactly design for that. the template is maplist(Goal, L1 L2).

modify(L1, L2) :-
  maplist(multiply_one_list,L1, L2).

multiply_one_list works with a list, you it can be written like that :

multiply_one_list(L_in, L_out) :-
  % getting last argument
  reverse(L_in, [Last | _]),
  % multiply each element of the list by
  % the last element, one more maplist !
  maplist(multiply_one_element(Last), L_in, L_out).

multiply_one_element(Last, In, Out) :-
  Out is In * Last.