My server provides a script to embed a python application.
I need to fill an application (environ, start_response) function to answer HTTP requests. I could manage GET and POST requests (as provided in the code below).
But in the html code I return for a GET request, I have some <img src='images/mypicture.png' />
and the image is NOT displayed in the first round.
I was using Bottle for local dev and that was managed using a specific answer for images data queries. But on the external server (Apache, Python 3.7) I have no access to Bottle, and need to write simple wsgi code. How can I detect a request for an image, so that I can return the correct header and data? I can manage GET and POST requests, but don't detect when an image is required.
def my_get_post_form(environ):
# Simple way to retrieve the POST form data (works fine on my server)
input = environ['wsgi.input']
nSize = int(environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
sBuf =
def application(environ, start_response):
sMethod = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']
sParam = environ['QUERY_STRING'].split("&")
sPath = environ['PATH_INFO']
sFull = environ['SCRIPT_NAME']
# It does NOT detect an image request...
if '.png' in sFull:
data = open(sFull, 'rb').read()
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'image/png'),
('content-length', str(len(data)))])
# This works : I return html code with <img /> tags inside
# This html code includes a form
if sMethod.upper() == "GET":
start_response('200 OK',[('Content-Type','text/html; charset=utf-8')])
return ['<!DOCTYPE html><html><meta charset="utf-8">',
# This works too, to retrieve the form data, make some computations
# and return the result in an html page
if sMethod.upper() == "POST":
sParam = str(my_get_post_form(environ)).split("&")
... some computations ...
start_response('200 OK',[('Content-Type','text/html; charset=utf-8')])
return ['<!DOCTYPE html><html><meta charset="utf-8">'.encode('utf-8'),
What I expected was to retrieve the image name somewhere in the environment...
So that I can return the appropriate answer (the image data, and correct headers).
It looks like PATH_INFO
do not return the image filename
Any idea to perform this?