Using the h2o R package (v for some deeplearning, I need to import some big sparse matrix [2M * 10k] into it. I've tried using fwrite but got a cholmod problem too large error, so went with svmlight. Original matrix looks like this :
Count Dist
1 nan 10.1266
2 859.124 10.8198
3 nan 10.1266
For this I took the sparsio package, writing goes ok but when reading the file with h2o.importFile I noticed something wrong : I get the column indexes in front of every numbers as you can see below :
write_svmlight(HiC_mat.All, file="Rdata/mat_kmer-NA.txt")
HIC_df = h2o.importFile("Rdata/mat_kmer-NA.txt")
C1 C2 C3
1 0 0:nan 1:10.1266
2 0 0:859.124 1:10.8198
3 0 0:nan 1:10.1266
Any idea on how I can get rid of these ?
Data should look like this:
C1 C2 C3
1 0 nan 10.1266
2 0 859.124 10.8198
3 0 nan 10.1266