I would like to set up a hash variable using strings from an array dynamically (instead of writing 1000 lines of code).
As well I would like to use a dynamically created string to access a hash by using it as the key - for a built-in (what I assume is a hash) object - settings. Settings allow you to access data in settings_schema.json, eg: settings.my_custom_setting
According to this documentation: https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers "For hashes, the key must be a literal quoted string or an expression that resolves to a string."
so I have tried {% assign filter[thisFilter] = false %} but get an error: ParseError: illegal token
First issue / accessing hash key with a variable:
{% comment %} All possible filters {% endcomment %}
{% assign allFilters = "color,size,collection,style,height,function,artist" %}
{% assign allFiltersArray = allFilters | split ',' %}
{% comment %} hash of filters each set to false {% endcomment %}
{% for thisFilter in allFiltersArray %}
{% assign filter[thisFilter] = false %}
{% endfor %}
Second issue, accessing settings object with a dynamically generated key:
{% comment %} set to true whichever filters are configured in settings for this collection {% endcomment %}
{% for thisCollection in allCollectionsArray %}
{% if thisCollection == currentCollection %}
{% for thisFilter in allFiltersArray %}
{% assign itemToCheck = "filter_" | append: thisCollection | append: "_" | append: thisFilter %}
{% if settings[itemToCheck] %}
{% assign filter[thisFilter] = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
In the first issue, I expect the result to be a hash such as: filter['color'] = false (or filter.color = false)? filter['size'] = false
In the second issue, I'm expecting something like: {% if settings.filter_shirts_color %}
could get you a lot closer to what you need? – Dave B