I have a shopify blog that uses a custom carousel/slider for each article. I have managed to make it dynamic so that it will pull all the img tags for the article into the slider with a popup thumbnail menu.
The issue I am now having is applying shopify's img_url filters to the slide and thumbnail so I can automatically adjust the sizes.
Here's what I have so far:
<div class="slider-pro">
<div class="sp-slides">
{% if article.content contains "<img" %}
{% assign content-src = article.content | split: 'src="' %}
{% assign content-size = content-src.size | minus:1 %}
{% for i in (1..content-size) %}
{% assign src = content-src[i] | split: '"' | first | replace: '//cdn', 'https://cdn';;; | replace: 'http:http://';;;, 'http://';;; | remove: 'https:' %}
<!-- SLIDE # -->
<div class="sp-slide">
<!-- Slide image -->
<img class="sp-image" src="{{src}}" />
<!-- Thumbnail image -->
<img class="sp-thumbnail" src="{{src}}" />
<!-- END SLIDE # -->
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Slider Buttons (Don't edit!) -->
Slider button code here....
<!-- End Slider Buttons -->
Am trying to do something with the {{src}}
call so I can add an image size filter, something like:
src="{{ src | article_img_url: '1200x' }}"
for slides and
src="{{ src | article_img_url: '100x100' }}"
for thumbnails.
But it doesnt' seem to work. I need to refactor this, but have no idea how. I'm a newbie to shopify and liquid, so if anyone has any input it would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much!