
I am working on a project using VHDL and I am facing a problem during one of my test benches. I testing all input combinations for a combinational component using a for loop in my stimulus process, but I have a case statement inside the foor loop which is not behaving the way I wish it to.

This is the code segment that isn't behaving the way I want it to:

for i in 0 to 20 loop
    case opcode is
        when "01001" | "01010" | "01100" | "01110" | "10000" =>
            d <= '0';
            wait for period;
            d <= '1';
        when "00010" | "00100" | "00101" | "00110" | "10001" | "10010" | "10011" =>
            d <= '1';
        when others =>
            d <= '0';
    end case;
    wait for period;
    opcode <= opcode + 1;

end loop;

As an example, I expect d to become 1 when opcode is 00010. In the simulation, however, d becomes 1 when opcode becomes 00011 rather than 00010 (same for all other cases too), as if the value the case statement checks is decremented by 1. I changed opcode inside the case statement to opcode+1 and it worked correctly. I do know that VHDL is a hardware description language and that its behavior differs from a programming language, but I still cannot wrap my head around why this is happening, and would like an explanation.

Instead of wait for period try wait until rising_edge(clk) instead. I suspect you have a delta raceTricky
The component I am testing is combinational, I do not have a clock.Omar Hurani
I have looked up 'delta race' and it in fact was a delta race, but in my simulation code! The value of opcode is updated but still not sensed by stimulus process so the case statement checks for outdated opcode, and its only updated once I hit a wait for period. I inserted a wait for 0 ns; at the start of my for loop to trigger the new delta cycle manually and it worked! Thank you!Omar Hurani

1 Answers


The update to the opcode signal is not 'sensed' by the simulator until it hits a wait statement. Adding wait for 0 ns; at the start of the loop fixes the problem.