
Can' create Policy for User model.

I created Policy like this

php artisan make:policy UserPolicy --model=User

Got UserPolicy.php with CRUD actions.

Then inside AuthServiceProvider.php I added

protected $policies = [
        // 'App\Model' => 'App\Policies\ModelPolicy',
        User::class => UserPolicy::class,

But nothing happens. As I understand generated Policy for User model by default returning false on every action, I even explicitly added this to UserPolicy class:

public function create(User $user)
    return false;

Still can create user.

Later I will need to check if the user trying to edit his own post or not. Everything should be forbidden for non-admin users except editing own profile (model).

I must be missing something obvious.


If I put

$this->authorize('create', $user);

In UsersController create method, it will invoke create method Policy, so it seams that something is wrong with

use App\Policies\UserPolicy;
use App\User;

protected $policies = [
            // 'App\Model' => 'App\Policies\ModelPolicy',
            User::class => UserPolicy::class,

inside AuthServiceProvider.

Yeah, on the docs laravel.com/docs/5.8/authorization look up Methods Without Models. It mentions a few times that there is additional steps to take, usually when using createN Mahurin

3 Answers


You can write this code for User Policy

in UserPolicy.php :

public function update(User $user, User $model)
    return $user->id === $model->id;

For example by this code you can update just your own profile.


You need to put this in you function in controller $this->authorize('create',$user)


Put below lines in your controller function $this->authorizeForUser($currentUser,'create', User::class)