so I made a policy and whatever I do the Web page returns 403. im very new to laravel so most likely im missing something :)
I made a model by
php artisan make:model exercise
| (I know I'm supposed to capitalize models but it was a typo)
php artisan make:controller ExercisesController
php artisan make:policy ExercisePolicy -m exercise
I registered policy in AuthServiceProvider.php (Also tried as 'App\Models\exercise'=>'App\Policies\ExercisePolicy'):
protected $policies = [
// 'App\Models\Model' => 'App\Policies\ModelPolicy',
exercise::class => ExercisePolicy::class,
In ExercisesController.php this is the function in which I use authentication:
public function create(\App\Models\User $user)
$this->authorize('create', $user);
return view('exercises/create');
And in policy this is how my create function looks like
public function create(User $user)
return $user->admin == true;
The route:
Route::get('/exercises/create', [App\Http\Controllers\ExercisesController::class, 'create']);
I tried putting die("Policy is called); and trying to just return true from the policy create function to check if it gets to that but it still returned 403 , at this point I'm pretty sure that the policy itself is not being called as it also returns 403 on default
If anyone could help thanks in advance!