I have to search for data with given dates and time (morning and evening). How can I find available dates from data with laravel query? If i search dates 2019-06-10 to 2019-06-18. It should only return id 3 and 4. In this query, it is returning id 1, 3 and 4. What's wrong with this query it is not checking from in between dates? I have date type column in the database for start and end date. I want to check two conditions
- Given dates should be not equal to date_from and date_to
- Given dates are not between in these dates
Both conditions in same query. Hope you understand.
id event_id date_from date_to
1 1 2019-06-08 2019-06-12
2 1 2019-06-14 2019-06-16
3 2 2019-06-20 2019-06-25
4 3 2019-07-26 2019-07-27
$getEvents = Booking::where('category_id', '=', $categoryID)
->where('date_from', '!=', $startDate)
->where('date_to', '!=', $endDate)
->orWhere('date_from', '<', $startDate)
->orWhere('date_to', '>', $endDate)
->whereNotBetween('date_from', [$startDate,$endDate])
->whereNotBetween('date_to', [$startDate,$endDate])