I have a SPA made in VUE and Laravel.
Laravel returns API request and VUE create the frontend using the received data.
In a few cases, I have some HTML code returned as compiled data by API engine having links inside.
I would like to use these links in vue router but if I return the API having code like this:
JSON code
comment: {
'bla <strong>bla</strong> bla <router-link :to="name:\'page\'">text</router-link>'
Then I use the JSON code in my component template like:
<div v-html={comment}></div>
But this is not rendered and returned as plain HTML: I see the bold but not the <a href='page'>text...
as I need but I got <router-link...
as plain text.
Simple JSFiddle test
Here a demo test where I try to replicate the issue. If you click on Foo Link (Top menu) it open a component having props data with HTML code inside. The bold is shown properly but the router link is not rendered
data: {
msg: 'Hello World',
comment : '<div class="comment">This is a <strong>bold</strong> <br>
this should be a <router-link :to="{\'name\':\'home\'}">
router link</router-link></div>'
How can I force the vue-router render in this case?