I am trying to write some powershell script that has to combine both Az cmdlets and AzureRM to accomplish some of the stuff I want to do.
What truly happens though when I call all in the same script: Connect-AzAccount Connect-AzureAD Connect-AzureRMAccount
Initially, I make a call to Get-Credential and save that in a variable. Then I use those credentials to populate -Credential in the Connect-AzAccount
Then because of Multi-Factor Authentication, I have to then make a call to Connect-AzureAD, which prompts a popup that allows the user to enter Email, Password and Code from MFA text to phone.
Later in the script, there are some cmdlets that are in the RM version, and so I call Connect-AzureRMAccount with the previous Credentials from above.
$credentials = Get-Credential
$azureCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($credentials.UserName, $credentials.Password)
Connect-AzAccount -Credential $azureCredentials -Tenant $tenantID -SubscriptionId $subscriptionID
Connect-AzureAD -Tenant $tenantID
Connect-AzureRMAccount -Credential $azureCredentials -Tenant $tenantID -SubscriptionId $subscriptionID
What is actually happening in terms of Authentication during this entire script where several different Connect cmdlets are called.
Due to some reason, there is a specific cmdlet
$AppRegistration = New-AzureADApplication -DisplayName $appName -HomePage $AppURI -IdentifierUris $AppURI -ReplyUrls $AppURI -PasswordCredentials $psadCredential
where I get an error in Powershell telling me that I need to call Connect-AzureAD again, even though it was already called once during the script. Does it time out with the MFA?
How can I avoid having to get the user to sign in several times after running the script?