I want to execute some PowerShell scripts on our TFS Release Manager environment that use AzureAD module to provision some Azure AD groups. The scripts are executed using an Azure Powershell Task. I've installed the AzureAD module, so the AzureAD PowerShell CmdLets are recognized.
However, for them to work the scripts first needs to connect to AzureAD using the Connect-AzureAD CmdLet. This CmdLet wants to show a modal dialog for entering credentials, which obviously isn't possible in a Release Manager task. I also cannot supply credentials using command line parameters. I want Connect-AzureAD to somehow use the current user context for the connection. Is this possible?
and Azure classic without rm. For each kind, you should select correspondingly Azure Connection Type,normal command-- Azure classic
,Azure Rm-- Azure Resource Manager
, otherwise you will get an Authentication failded – PatrickLu-MSFT