I have written a playbook which copies a file from source to destination on multiple hosts. The playbook works if all hosts are reachable but it doesn't fail if one of the host is unreachable.
ansible-playbook -i ",," -e "hostid=12345" test.yml
.e.g. if the host "" is not reachable task execution skips the unreachable host and move onto the next host.
Sample playbook
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- debug: msg="backup_restore.py file not found"
- name: Copy file
hosts: all
remote_user: test
gather_facts: no
srcFolder: "/home/test"
destFolder: "/opt/config"
- block:
- name: Copy file to node
src: '{{srcFolder}}/self.config'
dest: '{{destFolder}}/self.config'
Is there a way to fail the task if the any of the hosts are not reachable. I am using ansible 2.6.1. Thank you in advance.