Summary: A better way for aborting ansible playbook immediately if any host is unreachable.
Is there a way to abort Ansible playbook if any one of the host is unreachable. What I find that if it cannot reach a host it will still continue on and execute all the plays/tasks in the playbook.
All my playbooks I specify the max_fail_percentage of 0, but in this case ansible does not complain since all the hosts that are reachable can execute all the plays.
Currently I have a simple but hacky solution, but seeing if there is a better answer.
My current solution:
Since the first step as part of running the playbooks, ansible gathers facts for all the hosts. And in case where a host is not reachable it will not be able to. I write a simple play at the very beginning of my playbook which will use a fact. And in case a host is unreachable that task will fail with "Undefined variable error". The task is just a dummy and will always pass if all hosts are reachable.
See below my example:
- name: Check Ansible connectivity to all hosts
hosts: host_all
user: "{{ remote_user }}"
sudo: "{{ sudo_required }}"
sudo_user: root
connection: ssh # or paramiko
max_fail_percentage: 0
- name: check connectivity to hosts (Dummy task)
shell: echo " {{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }}"
with_items: groups['host_all']
register: cmd_output
- name: debug ...
debug: var=cmd_output
In case a host is unreachable you will get an error as below:
TASK: [c.. *****************************************************
fatal: [] => One or more undefined variables: 'dict object' has no attribute 'ansible_hostname'
fatal: [] => One or more undefined variables: 'dict object' has no attribute 'ansible_hostname'
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
with_items: groups['host_all']
to work with ansible-playbook 2.7.8 :-/ – Julien