I'm currently trying to set up communication between an Arduino UNO and a PC via a serial/USB connection using Python on a Windows PC.
The goal is to start a video on a laptop when the Arduino tells it to.
I found a guide online which lead me to the code below but Visual Studio 2017 is just showing errors seemingly at random everywhere. A lot of it seemed to come from the imports and VS's IntelliSense messing up (which I believe is fixed now).
So currently when I'm running the program it's getting stuck at the ser = serial.Serial(port, 9600, timerout=0) Line with the error that "name 'port' is not defined" Any idea why that is happening?
I'm unsure if that is the core issue since every time I'm making changes a lot of "unexpected token" and "indent" errors appear for port, newline, print and ser (completely at random)
import serial, os, time, serial.tools.list_ports
cmd = '"C:\\Users\\Josef\\Desktop\\PYTHON_PlayVideo\\PYTHON_PlayVideo\\Video1.mp4" -f --fullscreen --play-and-exit'
for p in serial.tools.list_ports.comports():
sp = str(p)
#if (sp.find('COM5') != -1):
if (sp.find('Arduino') != -1):
flds = sp.split()
port = flds[0]
ser = serial.Serial(port, 9600, timeout=0)
while 1:
line = ser.readline()
if (line):
print (cmd)
variable is under anif
condition, so the condition has to be true for the variable to initialize. Does theprint(port)
gives any output? – Vignesh SPport
does not have anything in it. PyCharm is better because it is made one and only for Python, not need to add anything special and it keeps things simple. – Vignesh SP