I have an ActionScript only Flex project that was written by someone else. I know it was compiled successfully for Air 2.0
I can compile this project using Flex Hero and with <application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/2.6">
- however, my air file will install only on windows (on mac i get a weird 'installation file is corrupt, contact the author' error message).
So now I want to compile it for Air 2.0 as it was originally written for. So i change the used Flex SDK from Hero to 4.0 and change the target air version to <application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/2.0">
- but then i get three compilation errors:
Description Resource Path Location Type 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method openWithDefaultApplication through a reference with static type flash.filesystem:File.
Description Resource Path Location Type 1172: Definition flash.desktop:NativeProcess could not be found.
Description Resource Path Location Type 1172: Definition flash.desktop:NativeProcessStartupInfo could not be found.
but I read that these features were introduced with AIR 2.0 - so how can't I compile if I change the SDK from Flex Hero to Flex 4.0? (i'm using flash builder 4)