
I'm trying to include a database un flex4 (flashbuilder) project, i don't see data and SQL packages in the import? What might be the reason? Should i add external library?

        import flash.data.SQLConnection;
        import flash.data.SQLStatement;
        import flash.events.SQLErrorEvent;
        import flash.events.SQLEvent;

Description Resource Path Location Type 1172: Definition flash.data:SQLConnection could not be found. EyeVision1.mxml /EyeVision1/src line 28 Flex Problem

Is this an AIR project? I don't see it in the tags. Those classes are AIR only.RIAstar
No its for flashbuilder project. Can't i use database connection in normal web based flashbuilder project?Abhilash Muthuraj
No you can't, unless you use a web server as a gateway but you can't make a connection directly from flash to a DB server.Kodiak
You can connect the database directly from flex. You may have a look to my answer.michael

2 Answers


You can use those classes only in an AIR project, not in a web-based Flex project. AIR comes packaged with a SQLite database to which you can connect using these classes.

A Flex web-based application runs on the client not on a server, so if you want to access a database on the server you'll have to use a server side language to do it and pass the results to the Flex app on the client side. If you want to access a local database, well... you can't (except perhaps using HTML5 local storage and ExternalInterface).


You can connect the database directly from flex but this is not recommended because of the security reason.

You may try asSQL to do so.

Have a look on the following question:

Connecting any database directly from flex