For a backtesting trading system, I need to rotation my positions every 2 weeks, BUT if the day is a Saturday or Sunday, I need to take the Friday.
Semi-Monthly updates are made twice a month; mid-month and month end. Mid-month updates are on the 15th calendar day of each month. Should the 15th be a weekend or holiday, the update will occur on the last trading day prior to the 15th. For example, if the 15th is a Saturday then the update will occur on the close of Friday the 14th.
I need to return a list of dates of rotation based on a start date and end date. Let's say, I need every 15 days from January 1st 2018 to 31st December 2018, it should return only the valid dates based on the rules described above.
The formula should be for Google Sheet or Excel.
I tried the following:
It is not returning exactly what I need, since the google sheet googlefinance formula allows to use daily and weekly intervals (1 or 7). See below the googlefinance definition (
"interval - [ OPTIONAL ] - The frequency of returned data; either "DAILY" or "WEEKLY". interval can alternatively be specified as 1 or 7. Other numeric values are disallowed."