I am able to count the amount of holidays between two dates like this:
The values $T$47:$T$57 are the cells in which my holiday dates are located. F59 is the start date. G59 is the end date.
So basically what this does is count how many times my holidays occur within the start and end date
--e.g.-- start date = 11/24/2016, end date = 11/30/2016 returns 2 (Thanksgiving & Black Friday, which fall on Thursday and Friday).
However, when it comes down to something like Christmas of this year, I am having trouble. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the day after Christmas are counted as holidays but occur on Saturday, Sunday, & Monday, respectively. I don't want to count holidays that fall on a weekend, so my desired return would be 1. However, using my formula, I am currently getting returned 3.
How do I exclude weekends within this problem?
Let me know if anything is unclear. Thanks!