I need to do some Client-side validation on a Radio button column in the Interactive Grid.
How could I get the selected value on change of the radio button in the dynamic action for an Interactive Grid?
I used the below code but it returns the object.
//Get the element that was clicked
var $te = $(this.triggeringElement);
//Get the ID of the row
var rowId = $te.closest('tr').data('id');
//Identify the particular interactive grid
var ig$ = apex.region("cisr").widget();
//Fetch the model for the interactive grid
var model = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews","grid").model;
//Fetch the record for the particular rowId
var record = model.getRecord(rowId);
//Access the cell value via the column name
var sal = model.getValue(record,"AI_PCT_COMPLETED");