A Pod in gcloud kubernetes cluster is not accessible from the internet. Access from kubernetes or cloud shell works fine.
There a serveral ways to make a pod accessible from outside kubernetes cluster. I have tried three different ways.
My kubernetes cluster is not private, means that the command
kubectl get nodes - o wide
has an external ip address. The ip is reachable from outside the gc project.
I created a pod with a Pod yaml, not with a deploymentConfig. Pod has two container Ports:
- containerPort: 8500
- containerPort: 8501
Pod is running Ports are open inside the container. Now I have created services in different ways.
Creating different services. Service and pod are connected over selector
1 NodePort: Using the external ip address from kubernetes cluster. I created a service from type NodePort. Accesss should work over clusterIP:
2 LoadBalancer: Creating a service from type Loadbalanacer creates an external ip address for the service.
kubectl get service -o wide
kubectl expose pod myapp --port 8500 --target-port=8500 --type=Loadbalancer
I got a second external ip address. Access from out side over "ip-address:port" did not work
3 HostPort: The container port will be exposed to the external network at :, where the hostIP is the IP address of the Kubernetes node where the container is running and the hostPort is the port requested by the user.
Using this tutorial: http://alesnosek.com/blog/2017/02/14/accessing-kubernetes-pods-from-outside-of-the-cluster/
The only thing worked for me was to use Port 80. I used Port 80 for rest endpoint, but I have 2 endpoints rest and grpc and both should be provided.
Overall I created firewall rules for the ports I used:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create MY-RULE \
--allow tcp:8500-8501
Nothing worked for me. Now I believe that I am missing something. Thank you in advance.
Best wishes Joern