I have added a Custom field in the customer registration page.
Fieldname: Area.
I have tried to save them, all details are saved expect but the Area value not saved.
Can anyone help me to fix that issue?
{% form 'create_customer' %}
{{ form.errors | default_errors }}
<label for="FirstName" class="hidden-label">{{ 'customer.register.first_name' | t }}</label>
<input type="text" name="customer[first_name]" id="FirstName" class="input-full" placeholder="{{ 'customer.register.first_name' | t }}" {% if form.first_name %}value="{{ form.first_name }}"{% endif %} autocapitalize="words" autofocus required>
<label for="LastName" class="hidden-label">{{ 'customer.register.last_name' | t }}</label>
<input type="text" name="customer[last_name]" id="LastName" class="input-full" placeholder="{{ 'customer.register.last_name' | t }}" {% if form.last_name %}value="{{ form.last_name }}"{% endif %} autocapitalize="words" required>
<label for="Email" class="hidden-label">{{ 'customer.register.email' | t }}</label>
<input type="email" name="customer[email]" id="Email" class="input-full{% if form.errors contains 'email' %} error{% endif %}" placeholder="{{ 'customer.register.email' | t }}" {% if form.email %} value="{{ form.email }}"{% endif %} autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" required>
<label for="Area" class="hidden-label">{{ 'customer.register.area' | t }}</label>
<input type="text" id="Area" name="customer[note][area]" placeholder="Customer Area" class="input-full" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off">
<label for="CreatePassword" class="hidden-label">{{ 'customer.register.password' | t }}</label>
<input type="password" name="customer[password]" id="CreatePassword" class="input-full{% if form.errors contains 'password' %} error{% endif %}" placeholder="{{ 'customer.register.password' | t }}" required>
<input type="submit" value="{{ 'customer.register.submit' | t }}" class="btn btn--full registerBtn" ng-click="myfunction();" id="create">
<a href="{{ shop.url }}">{{ 'customer.register.cancel' | t }}</a>
{% endform %}