I need to update a cell with the date and time stamp (NOW()) if any cell is updated within any cell before it within that same row.
So update cell "CU" with date and time when any cell from "A-CR" is updated.
I have done some searching but I can only seem to find bits that work if only updating a single cell, I'm looking for if anything changes within that range.
I currently have some Vba which does something similar which will update the adjacent cell with time and date which is required but I also need an overall one for the whole process.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("F:F, I:I, L:L, O:O, R:R, U:U, X:X, AA:AA, AB:AB, AE:AE, AH:AH, AK:AK, AN:AN, AQ:AQ, AT:AT, AW:AW, AZ:AZ, BC:BC, BF:BF, BI:BI, BL:BL, BO:BO, BR:BR, BU:BU, BX:BX, CA:CA, CD:CD, CG:CG, CJ:CJ, CM:CM, CP:CP")) Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo safe_exit
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim trgt As Range, ws1 As Worksheet
'Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Info")
For Each trgt In Intersect(Target, Range("F:F, I:I, L:L, O:O, R:R, U:U, X:X, AA:AA, AB:AB, AE:AE, AH:AH, AK:AK, AN:AN, AQ:AQ, AT:AT, AW:AW, AZ:AZ, BC:BC, BF:BF, BI:BI, BL:BL, BO:BO, BR:BR, BU:BU, BX:BX, CA:CA, CD:CD, CG:CG, CJ:CJ, CM:CM, CP:CP"))
If trgt <> vbNullString Then
If UCase(trgt.Value) = "Y" Or UCase(trgt.Value) = "N" Then
Cells(trgt.Row, trgt.Column + 1) = Now()
Cells(trgt.Row, trgt.Column + 2) = Environ("username")
'Select Case trgt.Column
' Case 2 'column B
' Cells(trgt.Row, trgt.Column + 1) = Environ("username")
' Case 4 'column D
' 'do something else
' End Select
trgt = ""
Cells(trgt.Row, trgt.Column + 1) = ""
Cells(trgt.Row, trgt.Column + 2) = ""
End If
End If
Next trgt
'Set ws1 = Nothing
End With
End If
safe_exit: Application.EnableEvents = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
this is what you need, – Damian