I have an ASP.NET (4.7.2) app that successfully runs and starts on my machine. This app has a web.config file that contains the following:
<add key="username" value="someone@email.com" />
<add key="port" value="25" />
These are the configuration values I want to use while working. However, when I deploy the app to my Azure App Service for test purposes, I want to change the port
value. For that reason, I've added a config transform named "Web.Test.config" with the following:
<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
<add key="port" value="58" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(key)" />
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the transform is happening. I've ready that the transforms only happen during "publishing". At this time, I'm deploying via an Azure DevOps Pipeline that includes the following tasks:
Restores the packages based on the .sln file
Builds the .csproj that defines my ASP.NET app. The "Configuration" property is set to "Test".
Azure App Service Deploy
Attempts to deploy the ASP.NET app as a "Web App on Windows" to my deployment slot. The "Package or folder" is set to MyAspNetApp
. The
While this build pipeline successfully runs, the configuration transforms do not seem to be taking effect. How do I do a "publish" via an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline to an Azure App Service so that my config transformations will be generated.