
I am using the Azure DevOps release pipeline to deploy a web application built on top of Asp.Net Core to Azure app service. The app service is already up & running.

I created an azure resource manager connection with the publishing profile option through service connections.

[ARM-Publish Profile Service Connection][1]

Later I configured the release pipeline and used Azure app service deploy where I selected the publish profile connection.

[Publish profile connection][2]

As you can see in the screenshot, I was not able to select the already created app service name in the dropdown so I manually entered the app service name and saved the pipeline.

Once the release pipeline got triggered after the CI pipeline, the task failed with exception credentials can not be null.

Could someone please help me understand where I am making mistake ? [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/uvuGN.png [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/gLyIl.png

Not get your latest information. Just want to check whether below answer is helpful for you? If yes, you can accept the answer which can also benefit for others who has same puzzle with you and we could archive this thread. Also, feel free to leave comment below if still has any puzzle about it:-)Hugh Lin

1 Answers


I was not able to select the already created app service name in the dropdown so I manually entered the app service name and saved the pipeline, the task failed with exception credentials can not be null.

I can reproduce this problem on my side. I think this is because the azure app service deploy task uses the service principal in the service connection to authenticate with Azure.

As a workaround , we can choose to use the service connection created with the "Service principal (automatic)" option instead of the service connection created with the "Publish Profile" option.

enter image description here

enter image description here