
I want to validate file input if a file is selected, I found the solution for Formik/Yup but it validates even if file is not selected.

avatar: Yup.mixed()
    .test("fileSize", "File is too large", value => {
      return value && value.size <= FILE_SIZE;
      "Unsupported Format",
      value => value && SUPPORTED_FORMATS.includes(value.type)

It triggers validation when I type in other inputs, I want to trigger it only if file is there since avatar is optional!

Can you share code sandbox? Formik does not support file upload, so which method you used?Dani Vijay
And did you tried notRequired() ?Dani Vijay

1 Answers


The problem is that the test is returning true (meaning it validates) only when value exists. You have to add a condition to accept value when it doesn't exist (ie: is null or undefined).

I had the exact same problem and I solved like this:

avatar: Yup.mixed()
    "File is too large",
    value => !value || (value && value.size <= FILE_SIZE)
    "Unsupported Format",
    value => !value || (value => value && SUPPORTED_FORMATS.includes(value.type))