
I'm currently using Formik and validating with Yup.

I am looking to validate 2 dates, a start date, and an end date.

This was quite simple at first, I had two input fields, start_date and end_date. Both of these were just text inputs which accepted the following format, MM-YYYY. The validation is good enough, it first turns that string into a date, using moment(value, "MM-YYYY").

From this, we then had the following tests:

start_date: Yup.string()
    'Format must be MM-YYYY',
    function (value){
        return moment(value, "MM-YYYY", true).isValid()
    'Start date must be before end date',
        let { end_date } = this.parent;
        return moment(value, "MM-YYYY").isBefore(moment(end_date, "MM-YYYY"))

test1 simply checks that the MM-YYYY is a valid date. test2 checks that the start_date is before the end_date. For the sake of simplicity, the end_date tests are the same, except there is any extra test. The extra test checks that the end_date is equal to or less than the current date.

That is what I currently have, however what I want is 4 input boxes:

  • start_date_month (01, 02, 03...)
  • start_date_year (2000, 2001...)
  • end_date_month
  • end_date_year

This is easy to do, but the tests will work a bit different, I'm not sure if we can test start_date_month and start_date_year together. In essence I need to concatinate them with - to create MM-YYYY again.

Any ideas how to do this with Yup?


1 Answers


Very short lived problem. It seems you can just pass in other inputs like: let {start_date_year} = this.parent in the start_date_month test.