QNA Maker is not returning the Exact matches from the knowledge bases.
So we've been using the botbuilder-ai library to call the QNA maker. However QNA Maker is not returning the exact match which is there in the knowledgebase. However if I check that in the qnamaker.ai portal's test feature it works.
Here is the code that I'm using to extract the results.
const this.qnaRecognizer = new QnAMaker(
knowledgeBaseId: keyvault.QnAMakerSecret.knowledgebaseID,
endpointKey: keyvault.QnAMakerSecret.qnaAuthKEY,
host: keyvault.QnAMakerSecret.qnaEndPointHost,
const qnaResult = await this.qnaRecognizer.getAnswers(step.context);
As expected, it would call the QNA Maker's endpoint and should return results. Instead its returning a blank Array.
Now, I monitored the qnamaker.ai calls and noticed that when they are calling the APIs, they are passing one more parameter which is isTest = true
Here are the results:
Without isTest = true
URL: https://qnamaker-host.azurewebsites.net/qnamaker/knowledgebases/<kbid>/generateAnswer
Method: POST
Result: {
"answers": [
"questions": [],
"answer": "No good match found in KB.",
"score": 0,
"id": -1,
"source": null,
"metadata": []
"debugInfo": null
With isTest = true
URL: https://qnamaker-host.azurewebsites.net/qnamaker/knowledgebases/<kbid>/generateAnswer
Method: POST
Result: {
"answers": [
"questions": [
"Who are you?"
"answer": "I am an intelligent bot",
"score": 100,
"id": 2,
"source": "Editorial",
"metadata": [
"name": "_id",
"value": "<removed>"
"context": {
"isContextOnly": false,
"prompts": []
"debugInfo": null
Now I should be expecting same behaviour without setting isTest = true
in this case. Also, in each APIs I cannot pass isTest = true
because I'm directly using their library to do this.
Can someone please help in this? Thanks in advance.