I have a kubernetes service which I put behind a load balancer. The load balancer is on a regional static IP. The reason I can't use a global IP is because when I assign it to my service, it refuses to accept it. Others have faced the same problem.
I'm trying to assign a SSL certificate to the TCP load balancer(regional IP) created but in the Frontend configuration, I don't see an option.
If I use a global IP, I can see the option to create/assign a certificate but my service refuses the IP as shown in the link above. How can I assign SSL certificates to a regional ip which is a loadbalancer to a kubernetes service? or if you know a way of my service accepting a loadbalancer on a global IP for a kubernetes service, please let me know.
Note: I have disabled the default gce ingress controller and I'm using my own ingress controller. So it does not create an external ip automatically.